Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cindy -Jan 5-things that piss me off (not to be confused with pet peeves)

College students that cut diagonally through parking lots!
People blocking the isles at Walmart.
People that walk slooooowly across your path, when you are driving (makes you wish you had a brush guard on your car - hit them once, they would not do it again!)
People that have great ideas, but they want you to do all the work, then they take credit for it.
Running out of Toilet paper, after you have went to the bathroom.
People that refuse to speak English.  If they don't want to learn the language, they need to go back to wherever they came from.
Putting away laundry,  isn't enough that I had to wash it?
People that leave greasy fingerprints on my desk.
People that always have their hands out.
OBAMA, this one relates to the last one!
Little yappy dogs.
Constipation and bloating!
Dancing with the Stars!
Teenage Vampire movies, make that any Vampire movie.

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